Jan / 2021 Summer Holiday letter

Jan / 2020 Summer Holiday Special Programs
November 27, 2019
Jan / 2021 Summer Holiday Special Programs
December 14, 2020
  1. Line Art Village will be closed for the Christmas Holiday

  ( 20 / Dec / 2020 (Sun) ~ 03 / Jan / 2021 (Sun) )

    Last day of 2020: 19 / Dec / 2020 (Sat)

    First day of 2020: 04 / Jan / 2021 (Mon)


  1. Summer Holiday Special Programs (04/ Jan/ 2021~ 23/ Jan/ 2021)

   – 3weeks

( Opening Hours – 10:30am~ 2:30pm (or 5:00pm) )

Please contact Kim (M.0433 841 223) to make the schedule for the lessons in

January 2021 for the Summer holiday special programs and the normal classes.


  1. Normal classes will be continued in January 2021.

 *Pre-School ~Yr6 (1.5 hrs) : 10:30am - 12:00pm or 1:00pm - 2:30pm

 *High School & Adult (2 hrs) : 10:30am – 12:30pm or 12:30pm – 2:30pm


  1. Please check the variety of Special Programs for the

   Summer Holiday in Jan / 2021


  1. Updated tuition fee will be applied from 04 / Jan / 2021

* Details are on the Line art village new policy paper


  1. Term 1 in 2021

  ( 25 / Jan /2021 – 17 / Apr / 2021) - 12weeks

(Payment for Early Bird Discount 10% :  04 / Jan / 2021-16 / Jan / 2021 )


* Booking & Enquiries : M. 0433 841 223 (Kim)                               

78 Edwin St. Croydon NSW 2132

(02) 9747 2268